Finally on display in Saltaire Arts Trail

Last weekend my piece for the Habitat project brief was on display as part of the Saltaire Arts Trail alongside work from my fellow students. I couldn't be there so feedback and pictures were relayed to me via Instagram and WhatsApp. I had entrusted my work to the rest of the group to display in situ in the Wash House Gardens in Saltaire and they did a lovely job. I had given instructions to tie it around a tree trunk but I had also liked to see the light shining through the circles on a sunny day and they managed to find a way to do both. 

The feedback from the visitors to the gardens was really lovely to read and a real boost to hear that other people were interested by it, found it appealing and was even something that they might want to have in their homes. I hadn't considered at all that it might be something someone would want to buy and own! 

Work by Anna Kingston
Work by Catherine Hartley

It sat along side a really diverse group of work that we had each produced, all of which looked fantastic in the sunshine and in the verdant gardens.  I think that having such a range of outcomes displayed together must have added to the interest and appeal of the exhibition - seeing how each of us had developed our ideas in completely different directions. 

After the time invested designing, sampling and making the work, it was so rewarding to see it on display in such a lovely setting and to hear how successful the event had been. Helped a little bit by the sunshine. Of course, the nicest comments were from some slightly biased visitors - my parents...


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